Seeing Science photography competition

In early 2020 we asked students and academics in optoelectronics and nutrition to send us photographs that reflect their experience and give us a fresh perspective on research in action. The results were fantastic, and almost all of the images you see on this website are entries from this competition. Here are the winners.


Winners of the Seeing Science Photography Prize: Nutrition


A. Lucia Gpe. Nevescanin Moreno, a PhD student at the University of Nottingham, won in the Discovery category for her image titled ‘Feeling the pressure’ – showing how compressed air forces a tiny drop of water out of a wheat leaf.



Brian Atkinson, Technical Specialist at the University of Nottingham, won in the Curiosity category for his X-ray CT reconstruction image of scanned potato varieties.



Isabel Faci Gómez, Research Assistant at John Innes Centre, won in the Community category for her clever portrayal of the research community’s commitment to sustainable travel – even in the snow and ice.



Many thanks to our judges, Professor John Mathers (Newcastle University), Professor Malcolm Bennett (University of Nottingham) and photographer James Hopkirk.



Winners of the Seeing Science Photography Prize: Optoelectronics


Royal Society University Research Fellow Deepak Venkateshvaran from the Cavendish Laboratory – Department of Physics at the University of Cambridge won in the Discovery category for his stunning image of a researcher working with a nitrogen glovebox.



Elisabeth Kugler PhD, from UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, won in the Curiosity category for her extraordinary close-up image of the eye of a zebrafish.



Paul Gow, Research Fellow at the Zepler Institute at the University of Southampton, won in the Community category for his brilliant portrait of research in the time of COVID-19.



Many thanks to our judges Professor Anya Hurlbert (Newcastle University), Professor Simon Laughlin (University of Cambridge) and photographer James Hopkirk.