Nutrition committee

Professor Tim George

Tim is a rhizosphere scientist at the James Hutton Institute and the Deputy Director of the International Barley Hub. He got his BSc from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1996 and PhD in Soil Science from the University of Reading in 2000 and currently holds Honorary Professorships at the University of Aberdeen and the University of Nottingham.

He has specific expertise in understanding how the external environment mitigates plant physiological and genetic responses to a lack of resources in the rhizosphere. Tim has published over 140 papers and currently coordinates an EU Horizon Europe project to develop root phenotyping and genetic improvement for crops resilient to environmental change.

In addition, he is actively involved in promoting plant and soil science as Marschner Editor for Plant and Soil, UK coordinator of Fascination of Plants Day, Board member of EPSO and Chair of the EPSO Plant Science Seminar series and the Dundee Root Medal.